Nosotros're all thankful that it's no longer the days where it seemed similar you had to re-install Windows every six months. There are however times, though, where we must go to the last resort. Sometimes, you just have to scrap it all and start all once more.

When Should I Re-install Windows?

There are several things you tin do to ready minor and major Windows problems. The Check Disk (CHKDSK) utility is slap-up for fixing issues with the file arrangement due to bad sectors on hard drives. We can show you how to set file system errors in Windows with CHKDSK.

The System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Image Servicing and Direction (DISM) command line tools can find and gear up a host of Windows issues.

SFC is great for finding and repairing system files in Windows, whereas DISM tin practice a more thorough check and repair Windows using resource from Microsoft'southward Windows Update service. We have a whole article on how to apply SFC and DISM. Try these things first.

If that doesn't do information technology, and you lot're sure that the issue isn't a hardware outcome, then it might be fourth dimension to outset again. WARNING: nosotros're talking about wiping away all your files and programs and starting again. Make sure to support your files to an external drive or to a cloud storage service.

Three Ways to Practise a Make clean Reinstall of Windows

There are iii means you can do a clean reinstall of Windows. We'll be focusing on Windows 10. If yous're using Windows 8.1 or earlier, the first 2 are for you.

  1. Perform a Reset from Windows Settings.
  2. Reinstall by rebooting with installation media similar a DVD or bootable USB drive.
  3. Reinstall from inside of Windows with installation media.

Reset this PC for a Make clean Install

This should be your first option when trying to completely wipe your estimator and re-install Windows 10. It'due south simple, doesn't require a DVD or USB drive, and doesn't even require you to enter your Windows license key.

In the Type here to search bar, start typing Settings. When the Settings utility is shown, click on that to offset it.

In the Settings window, scroll down and click on Update & Security.

In the Update & Settings window, on the left-side, click on Recovery. One time it's in the Recovery window, click on the Get Started button.

To wipe everything from your computer, click on the Remove everything option.

It may have a few minutes to get things prepare. So, it will tell you that the current setting is to Just remove your files. This is quicker merely less secure. We're going for a complete wipe, so this isn't enough. Click on Change settings.

In this window, click on the Off button to get to the data erasure choice. Click Confirm.

After a few seconds, you'll see the Gear up to reset this PC window. If you're certain you desire to exercise this, click on Reset.

It will set up to do the reset. This office can have several minutes. During our test, information technology took about xv minutes. And then the computer restarts.

When the computer restarts, yous'll see the Windows logo and Please expect. Then the screen may go black for a few minutes. Exist patient.

The Windows logo volition come back and under it will read Resetting this PC. It will start to count in percentage of completion. This can take several minutes to an hour or more depending on your PC. When it is complete, you can begin your Windows set upwards once more.

Reinstall Windows from DVD or Bootable USB Bulldoze

You'll need to have either the Windows DVD that came with your computer or y'all bought on its own, or a bootable USB drive with Windows on it. Many laptop and computer makers have utilities built into their Windows installs to aid you create these recovery drives.

If you didn't make one when you got your calculator, now's the fourth dimension to do that. Using the manufacturer's official Windows installation is the best fashion to go, as it will have all the hardware drivers specific to the make and model of your computer.

If that's not an selection, you lot can download an official ISO of Windows 10 using the Windows Media Cosmos Tool or just your web browser. We can also bear witness you where to get Windows 8.i or seven ISOs. You'll need to find your Windows Product Cardinal.

The Windows Media Creation tool will guide y'all through the creation of a bootable USB drive or DVD. It's surprisingly uncomplicated, but it can take a while.

Next, yous'll need to boot your computer from the DVD or USB drive. You may need to admission your computer's BIOS and modify the boot order. It's probable set to boot from your hard drive kickoff. Reboot your PC and follow the steps below.

When your computer starts, you'll be presented with the Windows installation sorcerer, which will walk you through the process.

To do this in a way that wipes the drive, go until y'all get to the bespeak where y'all'll be asked, Which type of installation do you desire? At this point choose Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

You may be asked where yous would like to install Windows. Typically, it volition be the Primary bulldoze. Select that and click Next.

The installation will continue. Commencement, you lot'll see a screen similar the 1 below for several minutes. Then your calculator volition restart, and y'all'll see a blackness screen with a blue Windows icon. It will go through several stages not requiring whatever input from you lot.

Eventually, you'll see the blue install screen with a rotating circle and the words Just a moment… You lot're almost there. This will accept several minutes and go through some more text.

At present, you'll be at the Windows set upwardly stage. Continue through this to become Windows fix and yous're gear up to go.

Reinstall Windows from Your Install Media, from Inside of Windows

This method is a last resort. The Reset this PC method is easier and quicker. That might not be an option for you, and so let's go over how-to re-install Windows from inside of your electric current Windows installation. The one upside to this method is that you lot should non accept to enter your Windows product central for it to work.

Insert your Windows installation media. Navigate to it in File Explorer and open it. And so look for your Windows installation media. Open information technology and look for the setup application and double-click on it.

The User Account Control (UAC) window will open asking if you lot want to all this app to brand changes to this device. Click Yes.

A small window volition open showing the Windows logo and will proceed to say that information technology is preparing. Information technology will count percentage of readiness.

Next, the Windows 10 Setup window volition open up. It reads Install Windows 10 and that it will get online to get updates. If you wanted, you could click on Modify how Windows Setup downloads updates. For our purposes, click on the Next button.

It may quickly go through a few screens, like Getting updates, Restarting Windows 10 Setup, Checking your PC, Nosotros're getting a few things ready, and so stop on the Applicative notices and license terms screen. Experience costless to read information technology and click on Have.

It may quickly go through a few more screens such as Choose what to continue, Making certain you lot're ready to install, and then it will stay on Getting updates for several minutes counting the percentage washed. This can take a while.

It will then offset Making certain your PC has enough space, and so arrive at the Ready to install screen. It may say that it volition Keep personal files and apps. Just click on Change what to keep under that.

At that place will exist three choices: Go along personal files and apps, Proceed personal files only, and Nil. If you desire a clean wipe, click on Nothing then click Next.

It volition then chop-chop go through some of the screens like before, and then y'all'll see the big blueish Installing Windows 10 screen. It warns that your PC volition restart several times and that it will accept a while. Afterward some fourth dimension, your estimator will restart.

Yous'll see your login screen and the message Getting Windows prepare. Don't turn off your computer. That will proceed for several minutes. Your screen may go black. Be patient.

Eventually, you'll get to a total blue screen reading Installing Windows 0% Don't turn off your PC. This volition take a while. Your PC will restart several times. Yeah, information technology does take a while. Our test run took well over an hour.

Finally, the reckoner volition restart, and you should be at your login window again. Log in and proceed to set upwardly Windows.

Welcome to Your Fresh Windows Install

Those are the three means that you can install Windows in a way that completely wipes out everything on your computer. This is a new start. Just retrieve, if you wanted to access whatever of your former files you better take them backed upwards to a cloud service or on an external hard drive. Bask your fresh install of Windows.