
The first Windows 11 update doesn't address AMD Ryzen bugs; fixes coming soon | PC Gamer - brouwerjuseenoth

The first Windows 11 update doesn't address AMD Ryzen bugs; fixes coming soon

AMD Ryzen 5000 Series CPU
(Image course credit: AMD)

The first Windows 11 update just became available, but AMD users hoping for a fix of the Ryzen L3 squirrel away government issue bequeath have to hold back at to the lowest degree another week. It's beingness reported that the first official Windows 11 update somehow actually makes the Ryzen L3 cache response time eve worse.

Microsoft and AMD said last week that some of the keep company's Ryzen CPUs could suffer up to a 15% performance hit on certain games when upgrading to Windows 11. Recovered, according to this report from Techpowerup, examination revealed increased L3 cache latency for some Ryzen CPUs afterwards Tuesday's maculatio went alive. According to a Microsoft blog station, Windows 11's October 12 update (KB5006674) primarily handles some minor security updates. There's symmetric a utile video that dives deeper into the update.

AMD Reddit Post.

(Image credit: Reddit - AMD)

AMD took to Reddit to ploughshare the news program that the L3 cache response time intercept, and the UEFI CPPC2 (operating theater its "Best-loved Core") issue, receive been solved and that the company is targeting late next week to drop the updates for each. Enterprise customers running Threadripper and EPYC workstations potty petition the patch sooner.

These performance issues could glucinium wherefore some AMD users and, rather frankly, just about of our readers bear decided to wait connected upgrading to Windows 11, at least until the massive Spring Update. It's a disgrace since AMD's CPUs—particularly the Ryzen 9 5900X—have impressed us with performance and monetary value.

Jorge Jimenez

Jorge is a computer hardware writer from the enchanted lands of New Jersey. When he's not filling the office with the smell of Pop-Tarts, helium's reviewing all sorts of gaming hardware from headsets to pun pads. Atomic number 2's been covering games and technical school for just about ten long time and has typewritten for Dualshockers, WCCFtech, and Uncle Tom's Guide.


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